Book Editing

Learn whether or not you should include a book prologue in your writing project.

Should Your Book Have a Prologue?

This is one of the great debates of writers and readers alike: Should a book have a prologue? Some believe…

Creating the right book setting will make your story even more enjoyable for your readers. Here's how.

Setting the Setting in Your Book

Strong dialogue is a well-documented challenge for many authors, but, without a setting, the dialogue doesn’t matter. If this sounds…

A copyright page solidifies your ownership of your book. Here's what it should include.

What Should Be on a Copyright Page?

Wherever you are on your author’s journey, you need to protect your work. Most self-published authors get intimidated by all…

Learn the different between content editing vs copy editing from the self-publishing experts at Publish Pros

Content Editing vs Copy Editing: What’s the Difference?

Editing is an important part of the writing process. Why? Everyone makes mistakes, and as an author, it’s nearly impossible…

Wondering, "What kind of editing does my book need?" Publish Pros explains the different types of editing here.

What Kind of Editing Does My Book Need?

Book editing can be time-consuming and feel overwhelming, especially when you’ve just finished writing an entire manuscript. While editing your…