Our Process to Get Your Book Published

The Publish Pros process has been streamlined over the years to make things easier for our authors and our team. Here are the seven simple steps we follow to get your book published and into the hands of your readers.


STEP 1: Edit Your Manuscript

Our editors can provide in-depth analysis of your manuscript's strengths and weaknesses, suggest changes, check your manuscript for grammar, spelling, tense and punctuation errors, and continuity issues. Manuscript already edited? Not a problem. We can move on to Step 2.

Get professional book layout services for your book from Publish Pros

STEP 2: Format Your Interior

We'll format your manuscript to your preferred trim size and determine your book's final spine width. This step also includes the placement of titles, page numbers, illustrations and photography, and the creation of any charts, graphs or tables.

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STEP 3: Design Your Book Cover

Our designer will become familiar with your manuscript to ensure your cover design concepts are in-line with the genre and tone of your book. The number of book cover designs provided is determined by the package you choose.

how to get book published with Publish Pros

STEP 4: Make Adjustments to Your Interior

With your cover concept selected and finalized, we will make any minor adjustments necessary to coordinate the styles and fonts of the interior with the front and back cover design.


STEP 5: Proof Your Book

Together, we'll check the cover and interior of your book for anything that may have slipped through the cracks. After any necessary corrections are made, a final proof will be provided for your approval.

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STEP 6: Deliver Your Files

Your final book files are packaged for the chosen POD distributor. Files can be provided to you for upload, or we'll be happy to take care of the often complex process of posting the files to your distributor on your behalf.

We don't just help authors self-publish their books, we also help them sell books.

STEP 7: Market Your Book (Optional)

Once you get a book published and it is available to the public, you'll need to market it. Our team can help you build a cohesive brand across all media, and, through partnerships with some of the top professionals in the business, we can get you the promotion you'll need to sell your book.

Schedule time with our team.

Publish Pros has been empowering authors like you to take control of their publishing journey since 2012. Don't miss the opportunity to work with a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your literary dreams. Join the ranks of successful self-published authors and partner with Publish Pros today!