The Self-Publishing Insider

Most writers dream of getting their books published, but there are pros and cons to traditional publishing. Learn about them here from the self-publishing experts at Publish Pros

Traditional Publishing Pros and Cons

When choosing your publishing journey, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of taking a traditional publishing route versus opting to venture into self-publishing. Each path offers specific benefits, depending on the amount of work you’re willing to put in, as well as how much control you wish to retain.

The pros of traditional publishing

While it is a much more complex and slower process, there are many benefits to working with a traditional publisher.

  1. Little to no upfront costs. If you’re lucky enough to secure a book deal with a traditional publisher, the publishing company will cover all the costs involved in bringing your new book to fruition. And if the book doesn’t sell well, you’re not out any major money. The publisher takes on all the costs – and risks – of publishing and selling your book on your behalf.
  2. Prestige. Being signed by a book publishing house – regardless of their size – often serves as major validation for many authors. Having this sort of clout and publisher support behind you also makes it easier to get your books into physical bookstores.
  3. Professional support. Traditional publishers also provide their own in-house suite of professionals who take care of every little step of the process – from editing, proofreading, layout and design to printing and distribution. They often also take care of all the marketing and book promotion work, arranging for editorial reviews, book signings and launch events, so the author can dedicate more time to writing while the publisher’s team takes care of the rest.

Traditional publishing cons

In addition to being a more complex process, many authors have experienced several disadvantages while working with traditional publishers.

  1. Lack of creative control. This is perhaps the greatest issue authors have in working with a traditional publisher. When authors sign a traditional publishing contract, they are generally selling most, if not all, of their own rights to their work. That means as an author, you cannot use, sell, publish, or reprint your own material anywhere else. The publisher has complete control over every aspect of your book, including the title, cover design, editing, formatting, distribution and promotion.
  2. Timing. Another major issue many authors have with the traditional publishing process is how painfully slow it can be. New authors are highly likely to be rejected multiple times before securing their first book deal. Once you’ve submitted your query, it can often take months before you even hear back from the publisher. Then, once you sign the deal, it can take several more months before your book is published and out in the world.
  3. Competition. Instead of investing in up-and-coming authors, traditional publishers are spending more time searching for the next instant bestseller. The competition to get noticed is extremely steep, especially for new or little-known authors, and the constant queries and rejections can often result in so much discouragement and frustration that most authors give up on the dream of getting published altogether.

Let’s get to work!

Whether you’re an experienced author or just looking to get started, Publish Pros can help you achieve your publishing dreams without waiting months or losing creative control. Our experienced team of professionals will personally guide you through every step of your publishing journey. Contact us today to learn more about our services and our approach to helping you successfully turn your book idea into reality.