Why Choose Publish Pros?
Publish Pros was formed to help writers not only publish books, but to find the most direct, efficient path to getting their works in front of the reading public. Our experienced professionals know every step of the way—from manuscript to distribution and beyond.
Publish Pros is a self-publishing assistance provider headquartered in the Charleston, South Carolina area that helps both new and seasoned authors publish books and maximize their greatest potential for success in a very competitive industry.
We can serve as your single, convenient source for all of your needs, including custom book cover design and interior formatting, manuscript assessment and editing, title consultation, ISBN setup, focus group research, website development, press release writing and distribution, and specialized marketing solutions.
We develop personal, trusting relationships with each of our authors, and if we don't believe a solution is right for you, we won't even suggest it. We'll provide you with honest feedback, always with your best interest in mind, and promise passion and energy from start to finish.
Who is Publish Pros right for?
The first-time author
Congratulations! So many people talk about writing a book, but you have actually done it! If you aren't sure how to get your book published, let us help you navigate the process and get your work in front of potential readers. We promise we will not move ahead until we both agree on a successful strategy that meets or exceeds your expectations.
The experienced author
Our team can help streamline the publishing process and reduce the time it takes to get each new book to market. Already started a book series with another publisher and you're worried that a new book produced by our team won't "blend in?" Don't be. Our designers have a knack for creating new books that merge seamlessly with their existing counterparts.
The should-be author
If you are a business leader or an expert in your field, writing a book will help you establish your company’s brand, communicate directly with current and potential clients and leave a written account of your legacy. Publishing a book can also increase your visibility and credibility, establish passive streams of revenue and build new professional networks. In other words, books can mean BIG business!
Schedule time with our team.